29, Gauri Complex,
#Sector 11, CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai 400 614

Hybrid Hydrogen Energy

As pandemic has disrupted the entire world hence along with shipping we have shifted our focus on the public well-being and make a better world for our next generation. If every individual puts little effort today to save our environment then only we will be able to give better tomorrow. we are working on the following sector.

Work on reducing the carbo emission & contribute in reducing global warming,; Achieved it through the hybrid Hydrogen device, it reduces the carbon emission and also will save the fuel consumption by 40%. for more info click here

Develop equipment that will act as a hydrogen/oxygen generator and which will run from water and produce the hydrogen and oxygen: Achieved it through hydro oxygen device, it will cater 6 people at one time for more info click here.

Eliminate on the dependence on fossil fuel: To know more about this please mail us on info(at)aayushshipping.com;aayushshipping{at}gmail.com

Cotton and Cottonseed

Cotton has had a tremendous impact on human history. Although the use of cotton plants traces back thousands of years, it was the late eighteen century invention of the cotton gin—a machine that removed the cotton fiber from the seeds—that resulted in cotton becoming a major crop.

The fruit of the cotton plant is called a "cotton boll." In it are the seeds, which are surrounded by cellulose fibers. When the boll ripens, it splits open and the fibers are exposed. The fiber's cellulose is arranged in a way that gives them a high degree of strength, durability, and absorbency. Each fiber is made up of twenty to thirty layers of cellulose coiled in a neat series of natural springs. When the boll is opened, the fibers dry into flat, twisted, ribbon-like shapes and become kinked together and interlocked. This interlocked form is ideal for spinning into a fine yarn or thread. we deal in Cotton fiber and cottonseed.

if your good self is looking forward to have good supplier please mail us on info(@)aayushshipping.com; aayushshipping@gmail.com